
See, prioritize, and finish your tasks from 40+ services in one place. Stay "in the zone" all day, every day.
Taco lets you prioritize Evernote checkboxes and notes alongside tasks from Asana, Basecamp, GitHub, Gmail, OmniFocus, RSS, Trello, Zendesk, and 30+ other services.
As Segal's Law says, "A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure." There's many tasks but only one you. When multiple tasks, projects, and issue trackers all compete for your attention, it's easy to spend time switching between hot issues or doing work that, while approachable, isn't the most important.
We've all been there. Suddenly the morning is gone and despite working hard, it doesn't feel like we've made much progress.
Taco is a single place to see — better, to intentionally decide and to finish — what's really important. Keep using existing task lists and ticketing systems just like you do today, just get more, and more important, work done. We call it peaceful productivity.
- English (US)
- Taco Foundry LLC
- Seattle, WA
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